Project : Blog + Ads

Friday, January 20, 2012

What are your pupose of blogging

For what you write blogs? a relatively best title for me, I began a long step in the arena of this blog. If follow-Judging by, I write and I been in the arena of this blog is quite old. Since the year 2009 yet. Perhaps in the opinion of some, the term is still too crude, but, yes, everyone had their own perceptions to assess the specific periods. But on my period is relatively long.Yes, whatever the reason you write a blog?
  1.     For just the pleasure / leisure time spent
  2.     Sharing wildlife artist Rachel-Rachel (who is most abundant coat)
  3.     To share the story of his own life or those around
  4.     Share of films for other people download free
  5.     Expresses the field of men, not about anger or merriment, to others
  6.     To highlight your own products or become an affiliate of other people products.

And much more is.Write a blog can cause various reactions and perceptions. It all depends on what the purpose of your blog. Like me, I have several purposes why I write a blog.

  1.     To share a variety of human story - Examples of the Blogger blog ----> Blog itu Blogger
  2.     To share life experiences  ----> Blog Awang Hitam
  3.     To help my friends want to quit smoking - for example blog ----> Quit your smoking habit

Good, there are many reasons why you write a blog, right? So for this blog, I decided to blog the essence of which is how to make money from the Internet. So, if you blog readers are interested in walking along with me, from a newbie, hiking and hiking to be "somebody" in this arena.Ok, it was, you as a blogger, have to take a decision on to what you write a blog, because everybody had a reason to blog. Internet is a border-less cyberspace. You are free to do anything on the Internet. However, bear in mind that, in all that you do, bear this word. 

ETHICS!Yeaa, ethics. Who is it that you do not forget. Whatever your purpose of blogging, do not forget on this one. What is ethics? In the following post I will explain a little bit.Thank you for reading. I hope our meeting does not end so far. God willing, longevity, there will be many more posts that I nukilkan.Assalamualaikum and be safe ...

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