Project : Blog + Ads

Monday, November 15, 2010

Adsense–what is adsense?

Adsense is a program from google that give an opportunity to webmaster / blogger earn profit from their blog. Adsense works with Adwords. Advertiser use Adwords to advertise their product to google and Adsense will advertise it online using any medium available, and one of the method are using blog. This method of advertising, that will give them the opportunity too earn some profit from it. Adsense is not a product. It’s a PPC (paid to click) program which is you get paid when somebody hit/click your adsense.

What is Adsense look like?


 There are many advantages of using Adsense. Some of the advantage are :-
  1. No need own product to sell online. Just make a blog relevant to the specific product or generally pointed to the product you wanted to review online. You no need to worry about customer services, refunded sales or answering email of product questioning each and every single day.
  2. You are not selling or pushing any product to the customer or blog viewer. Some of the customer really hate this kind of manners and simply can switch to other free services available on the net. With Adsense, you can give free content and made them click to your ads.
  3. In the affiliate way, you get paid when someone buy your product through the link given in your blog. With Adsense, it is totally reversible. You can get paid even if they did not buy anything. Ads were simply bring the targeted visitor to your blog.
  4. The most best part of this were, it is 100% FREE! Just simply fill in the application form given. The more you gain good influx of visitor and traffic to your blog, the more potential you can get a life changing and substantial income by just been accepted in these program.
So, some say it is a good way to make some money online using this kind of method. Adsense simply the most popular program that has given many opportunity to the webmaster out there to gain money online. You have to remember, there were not as easy as a snap to get approved by Google Adsense. There were rules and regulation to followed. I’ll talk about that in the next post.
See ya!

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